Leonardo Roa Leguizamón, PhD
I am an algebraic geometer primarily interested in moduli space of augmented bundles (vector bundles, coherent systems, Higgs bundles). My research focuses on topological and geometrical properties of the moduli space of vector bundles on curves and surfaces, Brill-Noether theory, birational geometry, variation of geometry invariant theory (VGIT). I am also interested in the interactions of augmented bundles with physics, differential and symplectic geometry.
with G. Reyes-Ahumada and H. Torres-López
''A note on rank two stable bundles over surfaces ''
Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 2021
DOI: 0.1017/S001708952100018
with H. Torres-López and A.G. Zamora
''On the Segre invariant for rank two vector bundles on P^2''.
DOI: 0.1515/advgeom-2021-003
Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad de los Andes
Bogota, Colombia